Hindi Numbers Counting – हिंदी में गिनती सीखें | Hindi Sankhya

I this post we are going to learn about Hindi and English numbers. We will learn from 0 to 100 or from 0 to 1000 numbers counting in Hindi and English (0 से 100 तक गिनती) both languages.

Guys, we all use numbers to count anything daily because numbers are mathematical objects which are used to count anything. But numbers are written and spoken differently in different languages.

Many peoples know about English numbers but they don’t know about Hindi numbers like how to count in Hindi or Hindi numbers counting. If you are also from this type then this post for you.

hindi numbers

If I talk about India then here maximum peoples use Hindi numbers and they know about it. But still, some peoples are there who know about the English numbers but they don’t have proper knowledge of Hindi numbers.

Guys this post is important especially for kids because here you are going to learn Hindi and English numbers 1 to 100 (Hindi Sankhya Ginti – हिंदी संख्या गिनती). So without wasting any time let’s jump into our main topic-

Hindi Numbers 1-100: Counting Of Hindi Numbers (हिंदी संख्या की गिनती)

Hindi Numbers Counting From 0 To 10

शून्यShunya (Zero)० (0)
एकIk (One)१ (1)
दोDo (Two)२ (2)
तीनTeen (Three)३ (3)
चारChaar (Four)४ (4)
पाँचPanch (Five)५ (5)
छ:Chhah (Six)६ (6)
सातSaat (Seven)७ (7)
आठAath (Eight)८ (8)
नौNau (Nine)९ (9)
दसDas (Ten)१० (10)

Hindi Numbers Counting From 11 To 20

ग्यारहGyarah (Eleven)११ (11)
बारहBarah (Twelve)१२ (12)
तेरहTerah (Thirteen)१३ (13)
चौदहChaudah (Fourteen)१४ (14)
पंद्रहPandrah (Fifteen)१५ (15)
सोलहSolah (Sixteen)१६ (16)
सत्रहSatrah (Seventeen)१७ (17)
आट्ठारहAattharah (Eighteen)१८ (18)
उन्निसUnnis (Nineteen)१९ (19)
बीसBis (Twenty)२० (20)

Hindi Numbers Counting From 21 to 30

इक्कीसIkees (Twenty One)२१ (21)
बाईसBayees (Twenty Two)२२ (22)
तेईसTeyees (Twenty Three)२३ (23)
चौबीसChaubees (Twenty Four)२४ (24)
पच्चीसPachis (Twenty Five)२५ (25)
छब्बीसChhabees (Twenty Six)२६ (26)
सत्ताईसSataes (Twenty Seven)२७ (27)
अट्ठाईसAthayees (Twenty Eight)२८ (28)
उनतीसUntees (Twenty Nine)२९ (29)
तीसTees (Thirty)३० (30)

Hindi Numbers Counting From 31 to 40

इकत्तीसIkatees (Thirty One)३१ (31)
बत्तीसBatees (Thirty Two)३२ (32)
तेंतीसTentees (Thirty Three)३३ (33)
चौंतीसChauntees (Thirty Four)३४ (34)
पैंतीसPaintees (Thirty Five)३५ (35)
छत्तीसChattis (Thirty Six)३६ (36)
सैंतीसSaintees (Thirty Seven)३७ (37)
अड़तीसAdatees (Thirty Eight)३८ (38)
उनतालीसUnataalees (Thirty Nine)३९ (39)
चालीसChalees (Forty)४० (40)

Hindi Numbers Counting From 41 to 50

एकतालीसEktalis (Forty One)४१ (41)
बायलीसBayalis (Forty Two)४२ (42)
तैंतालीसTaintalis (Forty Three)४३ (43)
चौवालीसChauwalis (Forty Four)४४ (44)
पैंतालिसPaintalis (Forty Five)४५ (45)
छियालीसChhiyalis (Forty Six)४६ (46)
सैंतालीसSaintalis (Forty Seven)४७ (47)
अड़तालीसAdtalis (Forty Eight)४८ (48)
उनचासUnchaas (Forty Nine)४९ (49)
पचासPachaas (Fifty)५० (50)

Hindi Numbers Counting From 51 to 60

इक्यबनIkyawan (Fifty One)५१ (51)
बावनBawan (Fifty Two)५२ (52)
तिरपनTirpan (Fifty Three)५३ (53)
चौवनChauwan (Fifty Four)५४ (54)
पचपनPachpan (Fifty Five)५५ (55)
छप्पनChhappan (Fifty Six)५६ (56)
सत्तावनSattawan (Fifty Seven)५७ (57)
अट्ठावनAtthawan (Fifty Eight)५८ (58)
उनसठUnsath (Fifty Nine)५९ (59)
साठSath (Sixty)६० (60)

Hindi Numbers Couting From 61 to 70

इकसठEksath (Sixty One)६१ (61)
बासठBasath (Sixty Two)६२ (62)
तिरसठTirsath (Sixty Three)६३ (63)
चौंसठChausath (Sixty Four)६४ (64)
पैंसठPainsath (Sixty Five)६५ (65)
छियासठChhiyasath (Sixty Six)६६ (66)
सड़सठSarsath (Sixty Seven)६७ (67)
अड़सठArsath (Sixty Eight)६८ (68)
उनहत्तरUnahattar (Sixty Nine)६९ (69)
सत्तरSattar (Seventy)७० (70)

Hindi Numbers Counting From 71 to 80

इकहत्तरIkahattar (Seventy One)७१ (71)
बहत्तरBahattar (Seventy Two)७२ (72)
तिहत्तरTihattar (Seventy Three)७३ (73)
चौहत्तरChauhattar (Seventy Four)७४ (74)
पचहत्तरPachattar (Seventy Five)७५ (75)
छीहत्तरChihattar (Seventy Six)७६ (76)
सतहत्तरSatahattar (Seventy Seven)७७ (77)
अठहत्तरAthahattar (Seventy Eight)७८ (78)
उनासीUnasi (Seventy Nine)७९ (79)
अस्सीAssi (Eighty)८० (80)

Hindi Numbers Counting From 81 to 90

इक्यासीIkyasi (Eighty One)८१ (81)
बायसीBayasi (Eighty Two)८२ (82)
तिरासीTirasi (Eighty Three)८३ (83)
चौरासीChausasi (Eighty Four)८४ (84)
पचासीPachasi (Eighty Five)८५ (85)
छियासीChhiyasi (Eighty Six)८६ (86)
सतासीSatasi (Eighty Seven)८७ (87)
अट्ठासीAthasi (Eighty Eight)८८ (88)
नवासीNawasi (Eighty Nine)८९ (89)
नब्बेNabbe (Ninty)९० (90)

Hindi Numbers Couting From 91 to 100

इक्यानवेIkyabawe (Eighty One)९१ (91)
बानवेBanawe (Eighty Two)९२ (92)
तिरानवेTiranawe (Eighty Three)९३ (93)
चौरानवेChauranawe (Eighty Four)९४ (94)
पचानवेPachanawe (Eighty Five)९५ (95)
छियानवेChhiyanawe (Eighty Six)९६ (96)
सतानवेSatanawe (Eighty Seven)९७ (97)
अट्ठानवेAtthanawe (Eighty Eight)९८ (98)
निन्यानवेNinyanawe (Eighty Nine)९९ (99)
सौSau (Hundred)१०० (100)

Hindi Numbers Counting As Serial Number

If you know English numbers then you will definitely be familiar with such numbers first, second, third, fourth, etc. But do you know what these numbers are called in Hindi? Actually, such number is used as the serial number. Let us know what their Hindi meaning is.

पहलाPehla (First)१ला (1st)
दूसराDusra (Second)२रा (2nd)
तीसराTisra (Third)३रा (3rd)
चौथाChautha (Forth)४था (4th)
पाँचवाPanchwan (Fifth)५वाँ (5th)
छठाChattha (Sixth)६ठा (6th)
सातवाँSaatwan (Seventh)७वाँ(7th)
आठवाँAathwan (Eighth)८वाँ(8th)
नौवाँNauwan (Ninth)९वाँ (9th)
दसवाँDaswan (Tenth)१०वाँ (10th)

Counting Of Higher Hindi Numbers (बड़ी संख्यावों की गिनती)

एक हज़ारIk Hazaar (One Thousand)1,000
दस हज़ारDas Hazaar (Ten Thousand)10,000
एक लाखIk Lakh (Hundred Thousand)100,000
दस लाखDas Lakh (One Million)1,000,000
एक करोड़Ik Caror (Ten Million)10,000,000
दस करोड़Das Caror (Hundred Million)100,000,000
एक अरबEk Arab (One Billion)1,000,000,000
दस अरबDas Arab (Ten Billion)10,000,000,000
एक खरबEk Kharab (Hundred Billion)100,000,000,000
नीलSau Kharab (Ten Trillion)10,000,000,000,000

Some More Special Hindi Numbers

What is Aadha (आधा) in Hindi

In Hindi, Aadha is 1/2 or 0.5

What is Sawa (सवा) in Hindi?

Sawa (सवा) is 1/4th more in a normal number and according to time, it is 15 minutes more. for example- for number: Sawa 1 is 1.25, Sawa 4 is 4.25 for time: Sawa 1 is 1:15, Sawa 6 is 6:15

What is Paune (पौने) In Hindi?

Paune (पौने) is 1/4th less in a normal number and according to time, it is 15 minutes less. For example- For number: Paune 2 is 1.75, Paune 5 is 4.75 For time: Paune 2 is 1:45, Paune 5 is 4:45

What is dedh (डेढ़) in Hindi?

Dedh (डेढ़) is half more than one (1+1/2) in normal number and in time it is 30 minutes more than 1. this is a fixed number in both conditions. For example- For number: Dedh is 1.5 For time: Dedh is 1:30

What is Dhai (ढाई) in Hindi?

Dhai (ढाई) is half more than two (2+1/2) in normal number and in time it is 30 minutes more than two. this is a fixed number in both conditions. For example- For number: Dhai is 2.5 For time: Dhai is 2:30

What is Sadhe (साढ़े) in Hindi?

Sadhe (साढ़े) is Half more than any number but the number must be greater than 2. and in time, it is 30 minutes more. In this condition also, time must be greater than 2. for example- For number: Sadhe 3 is 3.5, Sadhe 8 is 8.5 For time: Sadhe 3 is 3:30, Sadhe 5 is 5:30

Hindi Numbers Counting (हिंदी संख्या गिनती): Video

Friends if you want to learn Hindi numbers and Hindi numbers counting by watching the video then you can watch this video. In this video, you can learn Hindi numbers from 0 to 100.


So, guys, I hope now you have understood and learned all Hindi numbers (Hindi Sankhya Ginti ). Here have written Hindi and English numbers from 0 to 100. We also learned about higher numbers.

I Conclusion I would like to tell you that if you liked this article about Hindi numbers, Hindi numbers counting from 1 to 100, counting in Hindi-English, etc then please share this post on social media with your friends and family. (अगर आपको हिंदी संख्या और हिंदी संख्या की गिनती, 1 से 100 तक गिनती वाली पोस्ट पोसंद आया हो तो शेयर जरुर करें)

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