Color Name In English-Hindi (रंगों के नाम) | Color With Name

Color Name In Hindi And English (रंगों के नाम): Do you know all the color’s name or name of the color in English-Hindi? here you can learn about all the colors name (रंगों के नाम) with their picture. So let’s learn about the color names in Hindi and English.

You know exactly what color is. Those colors are there only because of which we are able to see this beautiful world. For example, the light emanating from the Sun is also a color.  Some people think that bright light comes from the sun and it is not colored but it is not like that at all. The truth is that many colors of light come out of the Sun.

colors name in hindi english list

All the things in the world are of different colors. Flowers are also of different colors. This world looks beautiful due to color. If seen in this way, there are many colors that can have different names.

The first thing is that we cannot remember the names of all the colors of the world. However, it is very important to know the names of the special colors which are popular and are used in simple language.

So, here I am going to share colors name in Hindi and English (रंगों के नाम) with their picture. If you are really excited to learn about the name of the colors then let’s jump into our main topic.

Color Name In English-Hindi With Picture (रंगों के नाम) | Name Of Color

ColorColor Name In EnglishColor Name In Hindi
red colorRed (रेड)लाल (Laal)
white colorWhite (वाइट)सफ़ेद (Safed)
black colorBlack (ब्लैक)काला (Kaala)
yellow color | color nameYellow (एल्लो)पीला (Peela)
green colorGreen (ग्रीन)हरा (Hara)
orange colorOrange (ऑरेंज)नारंगी (Narangi)
blue colorBlue (ब्लू)नीला (Neela)
pink colorPink (पिंक)गुलाबी (Gulaabi)
olive colorOlive (ओलिव)जैतून का रंग (Jaitun ka rang)
off white colorOff white (ऑफ वाइट)धूमिल सफ़ेद (Dhumil safed)
navy blue colorNavy blue (नेवी ब्लू)गहरा नीला (Gahra neela)
maroon colorMaroon (मैरून)भूरा लाल रंग (Bhura laal rang)
mint colorMint (मिंट)टकसाल रंग (Taksal rang)
golden colorGolden color (गोल्डन कलर)सवर्ण रंग (swarn rang)
metallic colorMetallic (मैटेलिक)धातुमय रंग (Dhatumay rang)
lime colorLime (लाइम)चुने का रंग (chune ka rang)
ivory colorIvory (आइवरी)हाथी दांत रंग (hathi dant rang)
gray colorGrey (ग्रे)धुमैला (Dhumaila)
clay colorClay (क्ले)मिट्टी जैसा रंग (mitti jaisa rang)
brown colorBrown (ब्राउन)भूरा (bhura)
bronze colorBronze (ब्रोंज)पीतल रंग (Pital rang)
beige colorBeige (बीज)गहरा पीला (Gahra Peela)
azure colorAzure (एजुर)आसमानी रंग (Aasmani rang)
amber colorAmber (एम्बर)भूरा पीला (Bhura peela)
violet colorViolet (वायलेट)हल्का नीला रंग (Halka neela rang)
Turquoise colorTurquoise (टर्किस)फीरोजा (Feeroja)
rust colorRust (रस्ट)जंग रंग (Jang rang)
ruby colorRuby (रूबी)गहरा लाल रंग (Gahra laal rang)
purple colorPurple (पर्पल)बैंगनी (Baigani)
indigo colurIndigo (इंडिगो)जामुनी (Jamuni)
cyan Cyan (सियान)हरिनिल (Harinil)
magenta colorMagenta (मैजंटा)गहरा गुलाबी (Gahra gulabi)
coral colorCoral (कॉरल)मूंगा रंग (Munga rang)
teal colorTeal (टील)छायादार हरा रंग

Read Also:

So, friends, this waslist of names of all colors, in which we wrote almost 30 color’s name in both Hindi and English languages. Also, the image of that color has also been attached to the side so that you can easily identify it by looking at the image.

Guys, many types of colors are found in the world. And we know the name of some of these colors but there are some colors that we do not know about.

Color Name In Hindi And English | Video Guide | Name Of colors

If you want to learn about all the color’s names in Hindi-English then here if a solution for this too. you can watch the below-given video to learn about the name of colors (रंगों के नाम)


I hope you liked this post about the name of the colors (color name). In this post, I have given you the names of all the colors in both Hindi and English languages ​​as well as I have given a photo of those parts.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you that if you liked this post about “Colors Name In English And Hindi”. 10, 15 20, 25, 30, 50 color name for kids then do share it on social media. You must share it with your friends, relatives, siblings, children, etc. so that everyone can know the English-Hindi name of the color.

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