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Vegetables Name In Sanskrit Hindi And English (सब्जियों के नाम संस्कृत में)

Do you want to know the names of vegetables in Sanskrit (सब्जियों के नाम संस्कृत, हिंदी और इंग्लिश में)? If yes, then you have come to the right place because in this article I am going to tell you the Sanskrit, Hindi and English names of all the vegetables.

If I talk about Sanskrit, Sanskrit is an ancient language that is mainly used in India and Nepal. Sanskrit is also known as Devvani or Surabhashi.

To understand any language, it is very important to have knowledge of words, because sentences or language are formed only by words. So if you want to learn Sanskrit, then you have to learn about Sanskrit words and their meanings.

vegetables name in sanskrit hindi and english

We all eat vegetables, but very few of us know the vegetables name in Sanskrit (सब्जियों के नाम संस्कृत में). Either we know the names of these vegetables in Hindi or in English but the number of people who know the Sanskrit names of vegetables is very less.

For those students who are looking for Sanskrit, Hindi, and English names of vegetables, this is a special article for them. This is because, in this article, I am sharing a complete list of names of all the vegetables in Sanskrit with their Hindi and English names. So let’s just into our main topic and learn about Sanskrit, Hindi, And the English name of vegetables with their picture.

Vegetables Name In Sanskrit-Hindi With Picture (सब्जियों के नाम संस्कृत- हिंदी में)

PictureVegetable in SanskritVegetable in Hindi
vegetablesशाकः, शाकम्सब्जी/सब्जियाँ
Cauliflower saskrit hindi nameगोजिह्वाफूल गोभी
Gourd vegetable in sanskritअलाबुलौकी
Pointed gourdपटोलःपरवल
Water chestnutशृंगाटकःसिंघाड़ा
kukurbita kohda vegetableकोषफलम्कोंहड़ा
yam ol vegetableसूरणःओला
ridge gourdकोशातकीतरोई
Bitter gourdकारवेल्लःकरैला
White GooseFootपालकःपालक
beans vegetablesशिम्बीसेम
Cabbageकपिशाकपत्ता गोभी
White GooseFootवास्तुकम्बधुवा
Large pepperकटुवीराबड़ी मिर्च
Lady fingerरामकोशातकीभिन्डी
sugar beetsपालङ्कचुकंदर
artichokeभक्ष्यमूल सूर्यमूखीहाथी चक
Parsleyगन्धपत्त्रिका, अजमोदिकाअजवायन
Chickpeaचणककाबुली चना
cucumber kakadiकर्कटीककड़ी
Dill vegetable sowaवज्रपुष्पासोआ
green beanहरित-शिबिकाहरी फली
Green chilliहरित-मरीचंहरी मिर्च
Green onionहरित-पलाण्डुःहरा प्याज
Mushroomछत्त्र, पालघ्नमशरूम
Origanoअजमोद पत्र:अजवायन की पत्ती
Rosemaryमेंधीकादौनी, मेंहदी
Sweet potatoशकरकन्दःशकरकंद (मीठा आलू)
ridge gourdकोशातकीतुरई
Tendliकुन्दरू:कुंदरू, कुन्दरी
sponge gourd nenuwaजालिनीनेनुवा
capsicumमहामरीचिकाशिमला मिर्च
Apple gourdटिंडीश:टिंडा

Guys this was the complete list of vegetable’s name in Sanskrit and Hindi but there is a problem. All the peoples who don’t know Hindi want to learn the Sanskrit name of vegetables with their English names. So guys now let’s learn about vegetable name in Sanskrit, English, and Hindi.

Vegetables Name In Sanskrit, English And Hindi (सब्जियों के नाम संस्कृत, हिंदी और इंग्लिश में)

  • Tomato – रक्ताङ्गकः – टमाटर
  • Potato – आलुकः – आलू
  • Onion – पलाण्डुः – प्याज
  • cauliflower – गोजिह्वा – फूल गोभी
  • Gourd – अलाबु – लौकी
  • Brinjal – वृन्ताकः – बैगन
  • Pointed Gourd – पटोलः – परवल
  • Water chestnut – शृंगाटकः – सिंघाड़ा
  • Cucutbit – कोषफलम् – कोंहड़ा
  • Yam – सूरणः – ओला
  • Ridge gourd – कोशातकी – तरोई
  • Carrot – गुञ्जनम् – गाजर
  • Bitter gourd – कारवेल्लः – करैला
  • Spinach – पालकः – पालक
  • Peas – कलायः – मटर
  • Beans – शिम्बी – सेम
  • Turnip – गुञ्जनम् – सलगम
  • Ginger – आद्रकम् – अदरक
  • Cabbage – कपिशाक – पत्ता गोभी
  • Ladyfinger – भिण्डिका – भिंडी
  • Cucumber – चर्भटि: – खीरा
  • White goosefoot – वास्तुकम् – बधुवा
  • Lady finger – रामकोशातकी – भिन्डी
  • sugar beets – पालङ्क – चुकंदर
  • Coriander – धान्याकम् – धनिया
  • Kohlrabi – कंदशाकम् – गांठगोभी
  • Turmeric – हरिद्रा – हल्दी
  • Pumpkin – कुषमांड – कद्दू
  • Artichoke – भक्ष्यमूल सूर्यमूखी – हाथी चक
  • Asparagus – सूक्ष्मपत्त्रिका – शतावरी
  • Parsley – गन्धपत्त्रिका, अजमोदिका – अजवायन
  • Chickpea – चणक – काबुली चना
  • Chilli – मरीचं – मिर्च
  • Cinnamon – दारुचिनी- दालचीनी
  • Cucumber – कर्कटी – ककड़ी
  • Dill – वज्रपुष्पा – सोआ
  • Garlic – लशुनं – लहसुन
  • Green  bean – हरित-शिबिका – हरी फली
  • Green chilli – हरित-मरीचं – हरी मिर्च
  • Green onion – हरित-पलाण्डुः – हरा प्याज
  • Lentil – मसूर: – मसूर
  • Mushroom – छत्त्र, पालघ्न – मशरूम
  • Origano – अजमोद पत्र: – अजवायन की पत्ती
  • Rosemary – मेंधीका – दौनी, मेंहदी
  • Sweet potato – शकरकन्दः – शकरकंद (मीठा आलू)
  • Ridge gourd  – कोशातकी – तुरई
  • Gooseberry – आमलकी – करौंदा
  • Jackfruit – पनसम् – कटहल
  • Tendli – कुन्दरू: – कुंदरू, कुन्दरी
  • Sponge gourd – जालिनी – नेनुवा
  • Peppermint – अजगंध: – पुदीना
  • Greens – शाकम् – साग
  • Mustard – सर्शपः – सरसों
  • Capsicum – महामरीचिका – शिमला मिर्च
  • Apple gourd – टिंडीश: – टिंडा
  • Saffron – अग्निशाखा – केसर

Guys here you have read about vegetables names in Sanskrit, Hindi, and English but If you want to learn all vegetable names in Hindi and English then we have a separate post for this in which we have shared almost 100 vegetables name. You can read this post by clicking below-

Friends, I believe that in today’s time Sanskrit is spoken and understood by very few people, but the Sanskrit language has a different status in the culture of India.

You will also be surprised to know that modern Indian languages ​​like Hindi, Bangla, Marathi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Nepali, etc. have originated from this Sanskrit language.

Almost all scriptures related to the Vedic religion have been written in Sanskrit. Many important texts of Buddhism (especially Mahayana) and Jainism have also been written in Sanskrit. Even today, most of Yajna and the worship of Hinduism is performed in Sanskrit.

In many schools in India, especially in government schools, the Sanskrit language is taught to children and Sanskrit is part of the syllabus. So, guys, we must have basic knowledge of Sanskrit and Sanskrit words vocabulary. I hope this post will help you to learn some important Sanskrit words with Hindi and English meanings.

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Guys here we have read about all vegetable name in Sanskrit with Hindi and English meaning (सब्जियों के नाम संस्कृत में उनके हिंदी और इंग्लिश अर्थ के साथ), List of Sanskrit vegetables name with the picture. How did you liked this post? please let us know by sharing this post on social media.

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