All Family Relationship Name In Hindi-English (रिश्तो के नाम)

welcome to another new article on Learning English-Hindi Vocabulary. In today’s article, we will know the names of all the relationships or names of relations in both the Hindi and English languages.

All Family Relation name

In our country India, Relations are very important. There are many members in any family and all the members have some relation with each other. And these relations have some name.

But many people do not know the name of all these relations in both Hindi and English languages. There are many people who know the Hindi name of these relationships but do not know the English name. At the same time, there are many people who know the English name of these relationships but do not know the Hindi name.

Well, whatever the case may be with you. In this article, I am going to tell you all the relations names in Hindi and English which will help in increasing your word power. So, let’s start-

Family Relationship Name In English-Hindi (रिश्तो के नाम हिंदी और इंग्लिश में) | Relations Name

Relation In EnglishRelation In Hindi
Motherमाँ / माता / अम्मा / अम्मी
Fatherपिता / बापू / पापा / अब्बा
Elder Brotherभैया / बड़ा भाई
Elder Sisterदीदी / बड़ी बहन
Younger Brotherछोटा भाई
Younger Sisterछोटी बहन
Grandfather (Father Of Mother)नाना
Grandmother (Mother Of Mother)नानी
Grandfather (Father Of Father)दादा
Grandmother (Mother Of Father)दादी
Adopted Daughterगोद ली हुई बेटी / दत्तक बेटी
Adopted Sonगोद लिया पुत्र / दत्तक पुत्र
Son’s Wife (Daughter In Law)बहू / पुत्रबधू
Daughter’s Husband (Son In Law)दमाद / जमाई
Nieceभांजा / भांजी
Nephewभतीजा / भतीजी
Son’s Son (Grandson)पोता
Son’s Daughter (Grand Daughter)पोती
Daughter’s Sonनाती / नवासी / देहाता
Daughter’s Daughterनातिन / नवासी / देहाती
Wifeपत्नी / बीबी
Fiancé Or Fiancéeमंगेतर
Auntचाची / ताई
Husband Sister (sister In Law)ननद
Father’s Sisterबुआ
Elder Sister Husbandजीजा
Younger Sister Husbandबहनोई
Husband Elder Brother (Brother In Law)जेठ
Husband Younger Brotherदेवर
Elder Brother’s Wifeभाभी / भौजी / भौजाई
Younger Brothers Wifeभयो / भवः
Wife’s Sister (Sister in Law)साली
Wife’s Elder Brotherभाई साहब
Wife’s Younger Brotherसाला
Younger Sister Husbandबहनोई
Husband’s Elder Brother (Brother In Law)जेठ
Wife’s Brother Wifeसहलज
Husband Younger Brotherदेवर
Husband’s Sister’s Husbandनन्दोई
Wife’s Sister’s Husbandसाढू / हमजुल्फ़
Husband’s Elder Brother’s Wifeजेठानी
Husband’s Younger Brother’s Wifeदेवरानी
Father’s Brother’s Son (Cousin)चचेरा भाई
Fathers Brother’s Daughter (Cousin)चचेरी बहन
Father’s Sister’s Son (Cousin)फुफेरा भाई
Father’s Sister’s Daughter (Cousin)फुफेरी बहन
Mother’s Brother’s Son (Cousin)ममेरा भाई
Mother’s Brother’s Daughter (Cousin)ममेरी बहन
Mother’s Sister’s Son (Cousin)मौसेरा भाई
Mother’s Sister’s Daughter (Cousin)मौसेरी बहन
Spouse’s Mother (Mother In Law)सास / सासू माँ
Spouse’s Father (Father In Law)ससुर
Father’s Younger Brother (Uncle)चाचा / काका / छोटे पापा
Father’s Elder Brother (Uncle)ताया / ताऊ / बड़े पापा
Father’s Younger Brother’s Wife (Aunt)चाची / काकी / छोटी मम्मी
Mother’s Brotherमामा
Mother’s Younger Sisterमौसी / मासी
Mother’s Younger Sister’s Husbandमौसा
Mother’s Elder Sister’s Husband (Uncle)मौसा
Mother’s Elder Sister (Aunt)मौसी / मासी
Mother’s Brother Wifeमामी
Step Brotherसौतेला भाई
Step Sisterसौतेली बहन
Step Motherसौतेली माँ
Step Fatherसौतेला पिता
Step Sonसौतेला पुत्र / सौतेला बेटा
Step Daughterसौतेली पुत्री / सौतेली बेटी
Concubine / Keep Mistressरखैल
Guestअथिति / यजमान
Teacherअध्यापक / अध्यपिका
Landlordजमींदार / मकान मालिक
Friendदोस्त / मित्र
Clientमुव्श्किल / ग्राहक

So, friends, this was the name of more than 80 relationships in Hindi and in English. As we know that it is very important to have word power to learn any language.

That’s why it is important that you have a good knowledge of English to Hindi and Hindi to English word meaning. In this sequence, I have tried to tell you the names of all the relations in this article in Hindi and in English.

You know that any member of the family has some relation with each other. That’s why you must know the name of those relations as well.

To increase English and Hindi word power, there are some other articles that you can read and learn English to Hindi word meaning. Must read these articles:

Friends, you must know how important relationships are for us. If there is a family then there are relations. That’s why you should know at least the name of the relation in both Hindi and English languages.


So, friends, I hope that you have liked this article and now you have learned the name of all the relation | relation names | relationship name list in Hindi-English. If according to you there is a relationship that is not mentioned in this list, then you can tell us by commenting below.

In the end, I would like to tell you that if you liked this article about the name of relation (रिश्तो के नाम), then do share it on social media so that other people can also know it.

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