All Fruits Name In English-Hindi (फलों के नाम) | Names Of Fruits List

Fruits Name (फलों के नाम): Do you know the name of all fruits in English-Hindi? Here you can learn about the fruit name (Phal Ke Naam) in Hindi and English with their picture. So to learn about it keep reading.

Friend, you must have eaten fruits. I do not think that there will be such a person who would be shy in eating fruits. All the people in the world eat fruits with great fervor. In today’s post, we are going to tell you about names of all fruits.

fruits name in hindi english

We all eat fruits, but if it comes to knowing the Hindi and English names of all the fruits, then there are very few people who know the names of all fruits in both Hindi and English languages.

If you also do not know about it, don’t panic because below I have listed the English name of all the fruits with their Hindi meaning. So let’s jump into our main topic-

All Fruits Name In Hindi-English (फलों के नाम) | Names Of Fruits With Picture

Fruit PictureFruit English NameFruit Hindi Name
apple fruit | fruit nameApple (एप्पल)शेब (Sheb)
banana | fruit nameBanana (बनाना)केला (Kela)
coconut | names of fruitsCoconut (कोकोनट)नारियल (Nariyal)
orange fruit | fruit nameOrange (ऑरेंज)संतरा (Santra)
pineapplePineapple (पाइनएप्पल)अनानास (Ananas)
papaya | fruit name in English and HindiPapaya (पपाया)पपीता (Papita)
mango | names of fruitsMango (मैंगो)आम (Aam)
guava | fruit nameGuava (गुआवा)अमरुद (Amrud)
lemon | fruit nameLemon (लेमन)निम्बू (Nimboo)
watermelonWatermelon (वाटरमेलन)तरबूज (Tarbooj)
wood appleWood Apple (वुड एप्पल)बेल (Bel)
apricotsApricots (एप्रिकोट्स)खुबानी (Khubanee)
almondAlmond (आलमंड)बादाम (Badam)
avocadoAvocado (एवोकाडो)मक्खनफल (MakkhanPhal)
barberryBarberry (बारबेर्री)दारुहल्दी (Daruhaldi)
black currantBlack Currant (ब्लैक करंट)फालशेब (Falsheb)
blackberryBlackberry (ब्लैकबेरी)जामुन (Jamun)
blueberryBlueberry (ब्लुबेर्री)नीलबदरी (Neelbadri)
bread fruitBreadfruit (ब्रेडफ्रूट)विलायती फल (Vilayti phal)
cashewsCashews (कश्यु)काजू (Kajoo)
cherryCherry (चेरी)चेरी फल (Cheri phal)
custard appleCustard Apple (कस्टर्ड एप्पल)सरीफा (Sarifa)
date fruitDate fruit (डेट फ्रूट)खजूर (Khajoor)
dragon fruitDragon Fruit (ड्रैगन फ्रूट)ड्रैगन फल (Dragon Phal)
fig fruitFig Fruit (फिग फ्रूट)अंजीर का फल (Anjir Ka Phal)
gooseberryGooseberry (गूसबेर्री)करोंदा (Karonda)
grapefruitGrapefruit (गरैपफ्रूट)चकोतरा (Chakotara)
grapesGrapes (ग्रैप्स)अंगूर (Angur)
jackfruitJackfruit (जैकफ्रूट)कटहल (KatHal)
kumquatKumquat (कम्क्वॉट)संतरे जैसा फल (Santre Jaisa phal)
lycheeLychee (लीची)लीची (Lichee)
macadamia nutmacadamia nut (मकाडेमिया नट्स)एक प्रकार का अखरोट (Akhrot)
mulberryMulberry (मुल्बेर्री)शहतूत (Shahtoot)
nutNut (नट)अखरोट (Akhrot)
olive fruitOlive fruit (ओलिव फ्रूट)जैतून का फल (Jaitun ka phal)
peach friutsPeach (पीच)आडू (Aadoo)
pearPear (पियर)नाशपति (Nashpati)
pitachioPistachio (पिस्ताचियो)पिस्ता (Pista)
plum friutPlum (पल्म)बेर (Ber)
pomegranatePomegranate (पोमेग्रेनेट)अनार (Anaar)
pomelo fruitPomelo (पोमेलो)चकोतरा (Chakotra)
raisinsRaisins (रेसिंस)किशमिश (Kishmish)
sapota fruitSapota (सपोता)चीकू (Chikoo)
Starfruit (स्टारफ्रूट)कमरख (Kamrakh)
sweet limeSweet Lime (स्वीट लाइम)मौसंबी (Mosambi)
tamarindTamarind (टैमरिंड)इमली (Emali)
water caltropWater Caltrop (वाटर केल्टरोप)सिंघाड़ा (Singhara)
Acai BerryAcai Berry (एकै बेर्री)काला जामुन (Kala Jamun)
muskmelon muskmelon (मस्कमेलन)खरबूजा (Kharbuja)
prickly pearprickly pear (प्रिक्क्ली पीयर)कांटेदार नाशपाती (kantedaar nashpati)
jujube jujube (जुजुबे)बेर (ber)
strawberry strawberryस्ट्रॉबेरी
cashew applecashew apple (कैशेव एप्पल)काजू फल (Kaju phal)
quince quince (क़ुइंस)श्रीफल, शफरफल (Shriphal, safarphal)
passion fruitpassion fruit (पैशन फ्रूट)कृष्णा फल (Krishna phal)
palm fruitpalm fruit (पाल्म फ्रूट)ताड़ का फल (tad ka phal)
malay appleMalay apple (मलय एप्पल)हरा जामुन, जाम्बु (Hara Jamun, Jambu)
persimmon persimmon (पर्सीम्मोन)तेंदू फल (Tendu phal)
raspberryraspberry (रास्पबेरी)रसभरी (Rasbhari)
red bananared banana (रेड बनाना)लाल केला (Lal Kela)
soursop fruitsoursop fruitसीताफल (Sitaphal)
sugar canesugar cane (सुगर केन)गन्ना (Ganna)
kiwi kiwiकीवी
loquat loquat (लोकट)लोकत (Lokat)
malta fruitmalta fruit (माल्टा फ्रूट)माल्टा
mimusops mimusops (मिमुसोप्स)खिरनी (Khirni)
dates dates (डेट्स)खजूर (Khajur)
elderberry elderberry (एल्डरबेर्री)एल्डरबेर्रिज
monk fruitmonk fruit (मोंक फ्रूट)साधू फल (Sadhu phal)
makoy fruitmakoy fruitरसभरी (Rasbhari)
cloudberry cloudberry (क्लाउडबेर्री)क्लाउड बेर्री
cranberry cranberryक्रैनबेर्री
damson damson (डैमसन)झार्बर (Jharber)
feijoa feijoaफेजोवा
goji berrygoji berry (गोजी बेर्री)गोजी बेर (goji ber)
honeyberry honeyberry (हनी बेर्री)हनी बेर (Honey ber)
huckleberry huckleberry (हकलबेरी)हकलबेरी
jabuticaba jabuticaba (जबुतिकाबा)जबुतिकाबा (Jabutikaba)
kiwano kiwano (किवानो)किवानो
mangosteen mangosteen (मैंगोस्टीन)मैंगोस्टीन
miracle fruitmiracle fruit (मिरेकल फ्रूट)चमत्कारी फल (Chamatkari phal)
nance nance (नैन्स)नैंस (Nains)
pineberry pineberry (पाइनबेर्री)पाइन बेरी (Pine berry)
salak salak (सालक)सलाक (Salak)
star applestar apple (स्टार एप्पल)सितारा सेब (Sitara seb)
surinam cherrysurinam cherryसूरीनाम चेरी
tamarillo tamarilloटमारिल्लो
ugli fruitugli fruit (उगली फ्रूट)उगली फल
palmyra fruit palmyra fruit (पल्मयरा फ्रूट)ताड़ का फल (tad ka phal)
sweet potatosweet potato (स्वीट पोटैटो)शकरकंद (Shakarkand)
kadamba fruitkadamba fruit (कदम्ब फ्रूट)कदम्ब फल
jicama fruitjicama fruit (जिकामा फ्रूट)जिका फल (jika phal)
grewia asiaticaGrewia Asiatica (ग्रेविया एशितिका)फालसा (Phalsa)
pithecellobium dulcePithecellobium dulce (पिथ्सल्लोबियम द्ल्स)जंगल जलेबी (Jungle Jalebi)
monkey fruitmonkey fruit (मंकी फ्रूट)बरहल (Barhal)
mandarin mandarin (मन्द्रिन)किन्नू (Kinnu)
limonia acidissimalimonia acidissima (लिमोनिया एसिडीस्सिमा)कैथा (Kaitha)
black nightshadeblack nightshade (ब्लैक नाईटशेड)मकोय (Makoy)

ये भी पढ़ें:

So, friends, this was a list of names of all fruits, in which we wrote more than 80 fruit’s name in both Hindi and English languages. Also, the image of that fruit has also been attached to the side so that you can easily identify it by looking at the photo.

Friends, many types of fruits are found in the world. And we know the name of some of these fruits but there are some fruits that we do not know about. We neither hear the names of such fruits nor have we seen or eaten them.

This is because there are some fruits that are famous all over the world and are found everywhere. But there are also some fruits which are found only in particular places, they are not so popular here.

For example, if you pay attention to the list given above, then you must know Banana, Apple, Mango, etc. well. But the name of some fruits will also be seen that you will be seeing for the first time.

Benefits Of Fruits (फल खाने के फायदे)

We all know that fruits are very beneficial for our health. There are a lot of vitamins and minerals in fruits, hence fruits are considered as a good source of vitamins.

Especially vitamin A and vitamin C deficiency can be easily accomplished by fruits. It is believed that people who always eat fruits as part of a healthy diet have a great ability to fight diseases.

  • Eating fruits daily as a healthy diet can prevent us from many types of cancer (स्वस्थ आहार के रूप में रोजाना फल खाने से हम कई तरह के कैंसर से बच सकते हैं।)
  • Eating fruits greatly reduces the risk of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. (फल खाने से हृदय रोग और मधुमेह जैसे रोगों का खतरा बहुत कम हो जाता है।)
  • Fruits help a lot in maintaining our health, that is, if you want to stay healthy, then eat fruits. (फल हमारे स्वास्थ्य को बनाये रखने में काफी मदद करता हैं यानि अगर आप स्वास्थ्य रहना चाहते हैं तो फल का सेवन जरुर करें.)
  • People who are deficient in vitamins can easily complete that deficiency by eating fruits. Because they are rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, papaya is such a fruit in which all kinds of vitamins are found, then from this, you can guess how much we will gain if we eat papaya. (जिनलोगो में विटामिन की कमी होती है वो लोग फल खाकर आसानी से उस कमी को पूरा कर सकते हैं. क्योकि इनमे में भरपूर मात्रा में विटामिन और मिनरल पाया जाता है. उदाहरन के लिए पपीता एक ऐसा फल ऐसे जिसमे जीभी तरह के विटामिन पाए जाते हैं तो इसी से आप अंदाजा लगा लें की अगर हम पपीता खायेंगे तो हमे कितना फायदा होगा.)

Fruit Name In English-Hindi | Names Of Fruits | Video Guide

If you want to learn about all the fruit’s names in English and Hindi by watching the video and here is the solution for this too. you can watch the below given video to learn about the names of fruits.


I hope you liked this post about the name of the fruits (fruit name). In this post, I have given you the names of all the fruits in both Hindi and English languages ​​as well as I have given a photo of that fruit. We all know that fruit is very beneficial for us, so we should know about the names and benefits of fruits.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you that if you liked this post about “Fruits Name In English And Hindi (फलों के नाम इंग्लिश और हिंदी में)”, 10 fruits name, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 fruits name (10 फल के नाम, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 फलों के नाम) then do share it on social media. You must share it with your friends, relatives, siblings, children, etc. so that everyone can know the English-Hindi name of Fruits.

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